Get your free LOMA assessment today! No Elevation Certificate needed!
The potential downsides to obtaining an Elevation Certificate
1. Cost and upselling: Obtaining an Elevation Certificate typically involves hiring a licensed surveyor or engineer to assess the property's elevation. This can come with , a heavy price tag. We regularly see quotes in excess of $1000.00 in some cases. In addition, you might be offered add on services that you may not need, like a survey or topographic map.
2. Time and Effort: The process of obtaining an Elevation Certificate can take time, involving site visits, measurements, and data collection. This effort can be a hassle, especially if you're dealing with other matters related to your property.
3. Money Back Guarantee (or lack thereof): Seldomly, will you find a Surveyor or Engineer that offers a money back guarantee when it comes to the LOMA process. Often, you will get the "pay me and off to the next job" mentality.
4. Potential Mistakes: We can't count the number of times we have found mistakes on the thousands of Elevation Certificates we have reviewed over the years. It usually comes down them using the incorrect vertical datum, indicating an incorrect Base Flood Elevation (BFE) or something as simple as not signing their name on the Elevation Certificate. Far too often, it is a chore trying to get them to fix these mistakes.
With a free LiDAR LOMA assessment, we do our best to avert all these potential problems.